How do I build a cover for feral cats?

Kate Pigula
by Kate Pigula

I want to build water/snow proof hut for feral cat that comes in my yard. Something simple and not to expensive.

  5 answers
  • These tyre beds would be cheap. Most tyre repairs will give you the old tyres.

    comment photo
  • Rymea Rymea on Oct 19, 2019

    Maybe something made from bales of straw with a plywood roof

  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Oct 19, 2019

    Large Dog House. It will take a while for them to move in but it has worked for my brother's family. Couple of 2x4's cut to length for frame. Plywood sides. Slant the roof to let water run off. See if someone can give you a few shingles to cover roof. If not put a lot of outdoor latex all over. Renew paint each year. Throw in a couple of old pieces of clothing or fill with leaves or pine needles in the fall, for bedding. Before you start compare prices to a pre-made or one of those doggie-loo's

  • Ginny Ginny on Oct 19, 2019

    We purchased a large cooler at Walmart.

    My husband cut out a small square near the right front corner. We filled it with clean dry straw. As added protection, I covered it with an old tarp.

  • Kate Pigula Kate Pigula on Oct 19, 2019

    I heard about the cooler idea,. Right now I have a litter box with a lid and a blanket in it and the cat sleeps in it. I tried straw but the cat won't go in with straw in the box It likes the litter box with the blanket. I'm just trying to figure something better before snow fall. I might get a storage bin that is bigger than the litter box and put the litter box in the storage bin and cut an opening in it.Cat seems to like the blanket in the litter box. They say that straw is better but kitty won't go in on the straw. Thank you so much for your response.