Asked on Aug 26, 2014

Which hardwood with honey oak kitchen cabinets?

by Joanne
We have 1990 honey oak kitchen cabinets which still look new. However now we want to replace our cream colored linoleum with hardwood. Being so used to a lighter floor, I can't find a hardwood that's lighter. We also have bisque appliances that we are not replacing. Ceramic tile is not an option.
Existing cabinets with linoleum floor. Dishwasher corner visible.
  14 answers
  • Ngw1 Ngw1 on Aug 27, 2014
    If you aren't going to change your cabinets, perhaps a pickled or washed wood would give you the lighter color and impression you're looking for.
  • Frances S Frances S on Aug 27, 2014
    Ok rule of thumb...Light cupboards...Light floor, dark counter tops..Hope this helps.
  • Sandra Sandra on Aug 27, 2014
    I have an open floor plan (kitchen, dining, living area with halls to entrance/exits) since my fireplace mantle is oak & kitchen cabinets oak, my decorator advised to use 'oak' flooring, brings it all together, very nicely.
  • Somewhat Quirky Somewhat Quirky on Aug 27, 2014
    I agree that a pickled finish would be great. I have lived with them before and they not only look beautiful, but they hide dirt pretty well!
  • Patricia Miller Patricia Miller on Aug 28, 2014
    What exactly is a pickled finish?
  • Ngw1 Ngw1 on Aug 28, 2014
    The 'pickled' look can be achieved in different ways. Some use a semi-transparent stain or glaze, others use a white paint and wipe it after application, etc. It lightens and fills the cracks with the white (or whatever tint you like), giving a 'white washed' look. The grain is usually visible, giving depth, but the overall impression is much lighter.
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Aug 28, 2014
    Gunstock is a good color and slightly lighter than your cabinets, it wears well and you can then paint in almost any color and it matches. and in 10 years when you decide to paint your cabinets or even change them out your oak wood floor will still look good.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Aug 28, 2014
    Have you thought about a bamboo? It is light and has less grain than oak.
  • Jackie D Jackie D on Aug 28, 2014
    Laminate flooring? I'm thinking thats what its called? Looks like wood, harder than wood, easier to maintain. I believe its the interlocking, floating floor such as the bamboo is. Needs no glue although some may use it. We did out floors in 2011, I love it and most of my friends use it. My cabinets are Oak and real semillar to yours (2005).I had a light linoleum also and didn't want wood, or even the wood look I was afraid of the darker wood look as you are. I didn't know the rule of thumb then then. So I went against it...oops! Pictures enclosed of the Laminate floating floor... Notes attached. Its really the way to go now days ? I think? Each to there own.... just an idea for thought?
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    • See 1 previous
    • Jackie D Jackie D on Mar 15, 2015
      @Terra Gazelle Just a little FYI, Laminated and Engineered flooring are not the same. Did a little research and found out : Engineered flooring is hardwood done in layers, still can get scratches and notches for it is wood. Now being wood you can fix it to a point ! This is your light sand and stain comes in. The wood is thin so you must be careful as to what can be sanded and repaired ? Might as well go wood, if you want to have the little give to repair. Wood does need constant upkeep however ! Now Laminated is stronger! more durable, you can abuse this product and it will hold up forever. It comes out on the top of the chart as far as lasting,what it can handle in the long term wear and tear. The only real damage is water, if water damage happens then you pray for Ins. coverage. Thats probably the same with either Engineered flooring or wood, depends on the damage. Have a great day.
  • Jean Thompson Jean Thompson on Jan 18, 2015
    I would Go with Contrast of a slightly Darker Floor... in Oak Grain..
  • Sue Myers Case Sue Myers Case on Jan 20, 2015
    We put down a laminate vinyl floor in a stone finish that lumber liquidators sells with oak cabinets. the nice thing about the vinyl is that it is water proof, good for bathrooms as well. It was not the easiest to snap together, but it did. there are many manuf. out there now that sell the vinyl laminate. they are easy to cut with just a utility knife and snap it.
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  • Jackie D Jackie D on Mar 10, 2015
    Sense my last comment in Aug. 2014, I have found a tile that is like wood laminate flooring. Found it at Lumber Liquidators, Lowes and Home Deopt. We bought some for the fireplace hearth. The one we bought was dark distressed wood look! Wow it looks fantastic, just glued it to the new made hearth, no grout needed. Thinking of doing this in the family room. Draw back is tile can break, but water can not hurt it. Just love the look and have know people who do not use grout, Just place them close together they fit tight.
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  • C&K Custom Remodeling C&K Custom Remodeling on Mar 11, 2015
    Cherry and Oak go together well. Your other option is to paint your cabinets and then your flooring could be any color you want. We have several pictures different woods and painted cabinets on our website.
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Mar 15, 2015
    Jackie thank you...I have had hardwood floors and I hated them..with kids and dogs I spent every week end cleaning them..Never again. I have laminate and love them..I had a hundred lb. mirror fall off my mantel because of a kitten and go crash on my floor...and not a dent. I have a 110 lb doberman that would ruin a hardwood floor, he does leave paw marks..but a run over with a swiffer and that takes care of it. People who want hardwoods are nuts. Laminates are better, strong and come in as many types as woods and looks as hardwoods. I have light cherry.. the tones of the wood and the grains are great. But I thought that the Engineered and the laminates were the same..thanks for the info.