How do I paint over a gold mirror frame?

by Martha

What kind of paint do I use to get a vintage look from a gaudy gold mirror frame

  5 answers
  • Natalie Natalie on Nov 01, 2019

    You can use chalk paint! Super easy! Make sure to clean off any oils or grease and give it a light scuff sand. Then paint!

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Nov 01, 2019

    You can use some wax like they use with chalk paint to tone down the gold on the mirror frame.

  • Linda Linda on Nov 01, 2019

    There are many spray paint vintage finishes. I would tape off and cover the mirror then use a spray paint to get the look you want.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Nov 02, 2019

    I would suggest using spray paint for based coating, or chalk paint, and possibly playing layering apatina finish is over that. I did this refurb over a thrift store gold frame looking for an aged pewter finish.

    comment photo
  • I agree with everyone that recommends either chalk paint or spray paint. Just make sure you tape off the mirror if you can't remove it before painting.