How can I makeover this closet?

by Martha

Please dont judge my mess! In middle of purging my closet! The bar to hang cloths on go all way across behind the built in wall. Make it hard to get to alot of cloths. The wall behind goes up so far then inverts up. Should I tear the wall out on one side and put shelves in? Get rid of dresser? Do a corner piece where dresser is with something like ikea closet racks?? Open to different ideas please. Thank you!!!

Metal bar goes all way across.

  3 answers
  • 17335038 17335038 on Nov 06, 2019

    There are shelves with brackets available that mount on to slanted walls.

    One example is below.

    I would suggest that you take out the conventional rod which is sagging in the middle, and replace it with a shelf/rod 2-in-1 system. This change would instantly make the space in the closet more efficient, and would require fewer carpentry skills than ripping out and rebuilding walls.

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  • Marie Marie on Nov 06, 2019

    1st, the bar needs at least 2 more brackets 2nd, the wall depending on how wide it is, maybe cut out the wall, and frame it, then put in shelves or continue with the rod all the way across. Can the wall be knocked down? I can’t tell if that is a wall in the back of the closet or an angled wall. Put up folding doors not sliders. Good luck - marie

  • Rymea Rymea on Nov 07, 2019

    It looks like you could lower the bar at least a foot and add two shelves above it. And yes the bar needs more center supports.

    I didn't quite understand your questions concerning the dresser. I think if you are considering adding Ikea storage then I would say not to mix it with the furniture you have because the styles are so drastically different.