How and when do I add a scent to a homemade candle?

by Brittany

I have Benn Making Scented candles, The problem is when I burn them there is no scent. What am I doing wrong? Is their a certain temperature I add the scent at? What are the best and strongest scents for candle making I can buy?

  6 answers
  • Deb K Deb K on Dec 08, 2019

    Hi Brittany, I hope this video helps you

  • Hi, Brittany!

    It may be that there isn't enough "scent" added. If it is just a regular fragrance, I would add it as it is being poured into the mold or maybe soak the wick in the fragrance before pouring the wax. I hope this helps!

  • I always add the scent at the VERY end (essential oils) before pouring into the mold. I read online to do 20 drops of essential oil per ml.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Dec 10, 2019

    There are lots of candle making posts here that help you:

  • Paige Paige on Jul 10, 2020

    My interest in being the best candle maker I could be, lead me to take many classes to learn how to perfect my art. I also read books and researched everything I could.

    I discovered that while there was tons of information available, only a tiny bit of it was actually useful. I was also fortunate to have the help of many candle makers from whom I learned how to be a master at candle making and how to impress everyone with my great smelling candles.

    Candle Making 4 You equips me with the knowledge and skill so I can make my own candles in the comfort of my own home. I save money and make money at the same time. Several bonuses will also be mine when I purchase this system.

    It's a course that teaches you how to become a professional candle maker for fun or profit. I highly recommend it. Here's a link to their site.