Asked on Jul 24, 2012

Need design help/fireplace/brick wall Paint ?

Carole D
by Carole D
Here are additional photos of the end wall of the den. This is a long room. I have the den at the end with the fireplace.I have the sofa angled toward the fireplace. As previoudly mentioned I can not remove the embedded beam as it is 6/8 inches in depth. The fireplace has gas logs. Paint the entire brick wall? Cream? White? Add mantle? If so would you extend it to the firewood box since it is so close to the fireplace? Even though I am not a rustic kind of gal I do like the dark ceiling beams with the wood floor. Sorry for the crappy photos! Help!!
  24 answers
  • Taunnie Taunnie on Jul 24, 2012
    Carole, I think this room is so beautiful! Personally, I don't think you need to change a thing. But if you do want to paint the bricks on the fireplace, may I suggest going over them with a white wash or a glaze. It will lighten and soften the look of the brick, plus it is easier than painting the whole thing:).
  • At The Picket Fence At The Picket Fence on Jul 24, 2012
    Hi Carole! What an absolutely beautiful room! I think painting the brick would definitely lighten things up and would give you the most bang for your buck. If you do that, though, I think I would leave the mantel dark to provide some contrast and to go with the beams. The other option is to leave the brick the way it is and to add a creamy white mantel to brighten it up. Just some thoughts! :-) ~Vanessa
  • Z Z on Jul 24, 2012
    What a beautiful room. I would suggest either making or having a mantel made and painted to match the bookcase and attached to the current wood "beam". I've never seen anything quite like that, but at least it gives you a way to attach a real mantel. I don't think you'd need to paint the brick if the mantel matched the rest of the wood work in your lovely home.
  • Z Z on Jul 24, 2012
    Trying to add a virtual of an added painted mantel, but it's not working so I added to to PB. You can see it here....
  • Carole D Carole D on Jul 24, 2012
    Becky, thanks so much for the photo of the mantle. I like the way it looks!
  • Z Z on Jul 24, 2012
    You're very welcome.
  • Daniela N Daniela N on Jul 24, 2012
    we have a similar room (our basement) It has painted paneling and a brick wall. Also we had a gas log that we replaced with a new electric fireplace with mantel. in this 2 links you can see what we did. and I love the brick with no paint
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on Jul 24, 2012
    I believe you would be happy with the brick painted. It will make it look more insidey. For pizzaz, I like to go back and paint the mortar joints a contrasting color. Best, Charles
    • Suzanne Suzanne on Feb 22, 2015
      @Peace Painting Co., Inc. Yes, paint the brick, but please don't go back and paint the mortar joints a contrasting color. My white brick, dark mortar three-sided tunnel fireplace screamed "fireplace" when the door opened. We repainted, creamy white and it is gorgeous. Paint the fireplace and it will expand that wall horizontally. Like the dark anchoring colors. Keep us posted.
  • Therese C Therese C on Jul 25, 2012
    This is a suggestion I worked up for you...just to give you an idea of how versatile your brick wall really can be with paint and a couple pieces of wood. Total cost shouldn't go over $50.
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  • Carole D Carole D on Jul 25, 2012
    Therese, what a great idea! Please tell me what is written above each mantle. The only thing I could read (very small print and my computer would not enlarge it) is to make the top mantle against the header. Thanks!!!
  • Therese C Therese C on Jul 25, 2012
    Sure Carole; I suggested making a 4-6" shelf off of the header beam to be an exact mirror of the new mantle. Add a simple straight mantle over fireplace to keep the lines clean between it, the shelf, and the built in shelves. Paint the brickwork a pale to medium gray, the shelf and mantle white, and the inside backs of the built in shelves a soft lavenderish gray ( the color you have is pretty, but I feel a bit too "heavy" for the left side with nothing to pull it back to the right). With this lavender color your room is very versatile to change themes with such as curtains in a gauzy blueish gray lavender, white, or even a fresh gauzy green. As a note, the new upper shelf would be great to display photos in black or white frames that bring the eye up to the entire beauty of the wall. Good pictures when done!
  • Probably already said, but you can construct over the existing mantle with a new one to hide the old, and for the brick front, install a stone face on it.l Just be sure that the existing fireplace support in the lower level or basement can support the extra weight. It appears you have had a lot of great advice. Be sure to show us what ever it is you end up doing.
  • Moxie Moxie on Apr 15, 2014
    I personally like the brick as is and would show case it; I honestly think the dark beams enclose the space more than the brick at the fireplace. If you paint the brick I would recommend painting the beams as well because one the brick is white..they will really stand out. The beams would be easier to paint back if you change your mind...I think if you paint them, the room will open up and the natural brick could be a focal point.
  • David Jones David Jones on Apr 18, 2014
    I think wood trim pieces on both sides to cover from the brick to the mantel, then panel the area above the mantle and painting them out to match the built-ins would look nice. That would leave just the area of brick below the mantel natural and the mantel would remain the same. I think it would tone it down just enough.
  • Jackie Jackie on Oct 18, 2014
    The whitewash is a good idea,but otherwise I wouldn't change a thing.Beautiful as is!
  • Reta Minnis Reta Minnis on Oct 18, 2014
    I used stone spray paint to paint over a brick wall behind my wood stove. Valspar and Rustoleum both have one. I have used both but it was Rustoleum one the bricks behind the stove. I bought two shades of gray. I painted the whole thing one color first and decided I wanted a little contrast so I took a piece of cardboard and cut out the size of one of the bricks and put a light coat over one brick every so often. I loved it and so did everyone that saw it. Decide if you want it to blend with your cabinets or just to tone down the color.
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Jun 18, 2015
    I think that the same color as the built ins beside the fireplace would be really nice. That beam really does look awkward being so long. Paint it out and put a nice piece of art... The red brick is a little in your face.
  • Kathy F Kathy F on Jun 19, 2015
    paint it white to dark n there and beams... get rid of chandlier
  • Susan Rawlings Susan Rawlings on Dec 31, 2015
    Have you thought about lightening the color of the brick to soften the beams, too?
  • Dawn Gagnon Dawn Gagnon on May 30, 2016
    One thing I did in a former living room was refaced our fireplace using drywall. I will post it on my profile the before and after :D
  • Claire Claire on Jun 12, 2016
    Get rid of chandler and furniture. It does not fit the character of the house. If you must. Paint brick white but it will still look rustic and country
  • Edith Reardon Edith Reardon on Sep 05, 2016
    I painted my bricks white. I did not paint every little spec of the brick. I loved the effect and would take a picture of it if the kid didn't stack things in front of it last month. I love the beams and I plan to put some in. I think painting the bricks white lightened the whole area more than I thought it would I just used a latex white paint and it has been almost 12 yrs. now. The chandler will look like it fits in more too so you will not have to change it.
    • Edith Reardon Edith Reardon on Sep 05, 2016
      Paint it all and if it has been changed to gas I would remove the hearth in front of the fireplace and put in cream or white tile where it was.
  • Sandra Sandra on Sep 06, 2016
    Paint brick same as cabinets. take out chandler, and take out some whatnots too much.
  • Smu1485110 Smu1485110 on Oct 13, 2016
    Tile it for a more modern contemporary look. Lots of beautiful wavy tile out there that looks great and adds texture
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