I need furniture leg tips for outdoor wicker plant stands.

by Marianne
The outdoor wicker plant stands are painted brown and require 2" diameter leg tips. Ace,Lowes and Home Depot do not carry 2". Their websites do not have them either.
Any suggestion on where to get them or other alternatives that can withstand heat and water.
  6 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Aug 12, 2012
    Do you have a photo? I'm not clear on what you need.
  • Marianne Marianne on Aug 13, 2012
    Here' s one of 2 planters and a close-up of the leg tip.
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • 3po3 3po3 on Aug 13, 2012
    Thanks for the clarification and photo. Now I am on the same page with you. I just did an Amazon search and I have to assume that if Amazon doesn't sell it, it may not exist. It's not the most elegant idea, but you could use the old tennis ball trick a la seniors' walkers.
  • Why not purchase some 2 inch PVC pipe and glue on caps. Cut them a few inches long, Glue the caps on. Drill a hole on the end of the cap to allow for water to drain out if the wicker is left outside. Paint them brass or what ever color you like and push them on. A little glue perhaps or a small nail pushed through a pre-drilled hole to hold them in place. You could also wrap the PVC with hemp rope and glue to mimic the wicker and paint to match.
  • Marianne Marianne on Aug 14, 2012
    Brilliant idea ,Thanks! mgrisezmph@gmail.com
  • Bar1738694 Bar1738694 on Jun 16, 2015
    I found some at Walmart when I needed some for an old wooden stool.