What should I do about this stairs?

Tyler S
by Tyler S
I don't know what I should do. Should I sand it and leave it brown? I was thinking putting the same carpet all over because it would be safer in the winter time and not worrying about repainting it all over. So should I use different colors? What kind of paint should I use to cover it? What is your opinion? :)
  15 answers
  • Z Z on Sep 24, 2012
    Well Tyler it depends on the rest of the house what color you chose for the steps. It looks as though the current color matches nicely. If the paint is peeling you'd need to power wash them before repainting. As for the keeping them from being slippery there's a sand like additive for paint that you could use on the treads instead of carpet.
  • I would make them out of stone with a rusted steel ballast and painted steel railing!
    comment photo
  • 3po3 3po3 on Sep 24, 2012
    I agree with Becky. Either use paint with some traction, or use traction tape or something like that. I have seen carpet become a slick, icy mess in the right snow conditions.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Sep 25, 2012
    CArpet will also retain water and lead to premature rot...i'd go with new paint then add some stick on traction strips.
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 25, 2012
    Alright, I will have to talk to my mom about it. I think I should start doing it next spring.
  • Sue brigle Sue brigle on Sep 25, 2012
    I think paint in a nice accent color. seems like I've heard they put sand or something in paint to give it a non-slip surface. carpet gets messy outside.
  • Few things. The stairs that were installed there are considered temporary steps to allow the builder to obtain occupancy permit to sell the home when it was new. These types of steps are not normally well built or designed to last a long time. So before you decide to spend any money on them, you need to evaluate their condition, to assure your not putting good money into bad. Ideally there should be a landing when you first walk out of the door, as i am sure you already know it is difficult to negotiate the steps when you have something in your hands. So you can understand my point. As far as making them look good, I would leave that to the other people here as they have a flair for that, but I would as my buddy KMS said remove the carpet. And not so much for rot issues, but the carpet does retain moisture which does turn to ice when it is cold out. In addition I find these types of steps always curling up along the long edges if they were not properly constructed. This allows water to pond in the center of the cup that forms when the wood warps. This results again in an icy condition should it freeze and creates a slipping hazard. Take a half inch drill if indeed you see water resting on the step after a rain storm and drill holes in the center of the step every 6 to 12 inches apart to relive the water and drain it away. Then paint or decorate the steps as suggested by everyone else here. But do not spend to much money on them, save and replace with a deck, step and railing combo in the future.One last thought as well. If these steps are used on a daily basis for egress and exit of the house, you may want to consider, even if you do as I suggest in the future put in a deck and step combo, you should install a package shelf next to the door. This shelf is a way for those with packages in their hands to provide a place to put them down while they fiddle for the keys, or opening the door. It can be unsafe particularly with an aging adult to try to hold something and open a door at the same time. Even more so when your standing on a small platform such as a step to do so.
  • Warren G. Warren G. on Sep 28, 2012
    Woodbidge Environmental makes some very good points. The only thing I would add is a ramp to your future plans for the new deck. Your Mother may need the ramp at some point in time for a wheel chair for her or one of her friends that that may come visit. And even if she never becomes wheel chair bound most older people would rather walk up ramps then stairs anyway. Just something to consider for the future.
  • Chris Malans Chris Malans on Sep 16, 2014
    if you can afford it make a sm deck! i did on mine i love it best thing i coulda done :)
  • Marianne Marianne on Sep 16, 2014
    I would paint the steps the same color gray with sand it in to get a little bit rough surface making it close to non-slip. Then I would paint a white strip or two up the sides providing a design and adding dimension. Just a thought. Did it to mine in the front and it looks great.
  • Vwebb Vwebb on Dec 17, 2014
    Good advise here! Ditch the carpet and consider different step system all together! A deck , even a small one, would be great. I prefer a few steps then a landing then a few more steps and extra space so the incline is more gradual. Ramp idea is great too if you have the room. I discovered I really like my direct entry with easy access via a deck and short steps. I used the decking material that is a composite that is maintenance free and it's not slick. Pricey but sure nice!
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Sep 28, 2015
    DO NOT CARPET,, it can never be removed....I know there is a waterproof deck coating/paint you can get with a special grit in it it acts like a non skid surface It solved the same problem on relatives deck and steps here in western Wa.
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Sep 28, 2015
    I Do think you would be better with a bigger area. too. those steps look narrow and a wider landing-deck would be safer.. This looks like a modular. It would give you a bit of extra space outside to enjoy too.
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Oct 23, 2015
    I also WOULD NOT put the carpet down.. once its down it can be almost impossible to remove, without replacing the treads.Our neighbor had the same issue in a house they moved into.. they key might be the correct or newer glues usedif you do that option...
  • Linda Ann Graham Linda Ann Graham on Sep 23, 2016
    Carpet is going to be slick and slippery when wet. You need to remove it altogether. If you don't plan to follow the excellent advice to have larger surfaces every few steps, then apply either gritted paint or grooved rubber runners on the steps. If you have the financial wherewithal to do it, replace the stairs with a small deck and gradual step levels leading from it - using TREX or some other resin composite since it won't rot, mold or mildew.