Inside greenhouse all throughout the winter

by Maria
oppa Is it possible to have a green house inside your house all throughout the winter growing plants. If so does the room need to stay at a certain temperature,
  7 answers
  • Wendy Adams Wendy Adams on Dec 28, 2014
    @maria, it really depends on the type of plants you are looking to over winter and several factors will play into the environment for each type of plant. Can you share what plants you have?
  • Maria Maria on Dec 28, 2014
    I have none yet, looking for ideas, for my daycare kids to have fun growing plants. It will have to be something easy to grow, that doesn't need any special light, so far this is what I have against my window.
    comment photo
  • Kim Smith Kim Smith on Dec 28, 2014
    It might get too hot inside the little greenhouse when the sun hits it, so keep the door of the greenhouse open in a normal heated room. But I think you could plant any seeds you have so the kids could tend and watch them grow. Or do an avocado seed?. Those are so big and really impressive to watch. If you have some old clear vases, you could plant some daffodils and watch the roots grow. I once planted some elephant ears in a small aquarium so kids could watch the roots. Real learning experience. And when it got warm, I planted the EE outside. Radishes also grow quickly, that would be fun for the kids.
  • Ann Gedeon Ann Gedeon on Dec 28, 2014
    Some easy, and fun plants for the little ones are old veggies. celery, potato's, pineapple, etc. A way to get the to like veggies is to plant bush beans, and let them pick them and eat them.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 29, 2014
    You could certainly grow plants indoors all season long if you can provide enough light, and heat. Ideally, temperatures would not go below 60 degrees. Light may be the biggest challenge, but can be provided by fluorescent lights hanging close to the plants. This article from the University of Minnesota Extension Service does a good job of addressing the considerations:
  • Joeast Joeast on Dec 29, 2014
    My attached greenhouse in the mountains of NM is 15 x 60 feet on the southside. Glazing only on the side. Roof slanted so summer sun doesn't overheat it. Today 11 am, is 33 F outside and over ninety inside and need to open the outside door to cool it a bit. One end is full of tropicals so have to have heat--propane. Doesn't kick on till temp hits 45F at night. Had -3 the other night. Soon I'll be starting my seedlings--have a heat mat for extra bottom hit at night and they all do fine. Light is more an issue than heat. Have a play area for my grandkids. Christmas day they played in the sun all day. My daughter uses the far end for throwing pottery. Leave the door open to the living room and the heat flows in, so don't have to keep the wood stove going in the day unless the weather is extreme, or no sun. The best part of our home.
  • Lorraine Sweger-Perez Lorraine Sweger-Perez on Dec 31, 2016

    just bought a greenhouse, its my kitchen. is there any literature, blogs, info out there on growing in a greenhouse that's inside?