need hometalkers advice

I painted this today and now I am trying to decide to add a 4x6 frame photo in the middle of it or a mirror ? what do you think or somethingelse added to it. Hope to hear from you soon
so this is what i came up with and we love it :)
what i added..finally then i thought it needs more so ....
what should i add to this painting ?
  14 answers
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 18, 2012
    How large is it? And how large would the mirror be? Also do you have a photo in mind? Sorry to answer a question with questions, but I think we could offer better advice with more details.
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Nov 18, 2012
    no problem any advice is great any ideals is great it is 16in width 20in long. putting it in my livingroom and my decor is rustic but alot of brown so i am trying to add some color to it because i cant paint my walls so decor will have to be the color added
  • You know those "vintage" plastic framed oval mirrors? The frames are made to look very ornate. A small one hung in the center painted with an accent color might work. It would also give depth to your piece. You can usually find them for under $20 in the size you need. Let us know what you decide and send a picture.
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Nov 18, 2012
    so when you say accent color are you meaning like a gold or something or one of the blue or brown and i have a couple of the vintage frames great ideal
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Nov 18, 2012
    so i am still undecide what to do so i hope to get lots of ideals this is going on the wall i posted with the tv .
  • Brenda D Brenda D on Nov 18, 2012
    I like the frame idea.
  • Therese C Therese C on Nov 18, 2012
    This is just a quick, rough photos when you decide what to do!
    comment photo
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Nov 18, 2012
    My first thought is that you should add a frame to the center, but don't stop there. Add a similar frame to the outside of the canvas, as well. It would help what is added to the center make more sense and tie it together. Perhaps some stained pallet lumber or rustic lumber would work. I can't help but feel that it will appear "unfinished", otherwise. So to elaborate on Therese's drawing....
    comment photo
  • 3po3 3po3 on Nov 18, 2012
    I like the idea of an interior and exterior frame, too. I think maybe a mirror would be better than a photo, unless you already have the perfect photo to match this piece of art (and if you did, maybe you wouldn't be asking us). It also seems like a 4X6 photo would get lost in there.
  • I like Leslie D.'s idea. With maybe a quote added to top and bottom.
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Nov 19, 2012
    thanks to everyone i am going to try and finish it and post picture by this weekend :)
  • Anita Roll Murals Anita Roll Murals on Nov 19, 2012
    I like Leslie D's idea as well! The paint technique works very well as a background for this type of look.
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Nov 19, 2012
    i like leslie d's ideal also i am going to try it and one more ideal take photo and post them and let everyone help me decide which one to go with i just cant decide on my own thanks a million to everyone any more ideals let me know thanks thanks
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Dec 14, 2012
    finally finished sorry it took so long just couldnt decide what i wanted to do until yesterday