White Tile Flooring

Amy King
by Amy King
Is there a way to "stain" tile or cover it to look like wood flooring?
  6 answers
  • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on Jan 28, 2015
    I wouldn't think so....are you avoiding the tile removal process? Or wanting to save the money for wood? There are BE-A-YOUtiful wood looking tiles that are a cinch to lay, and are super durable. I sound like a commercial, but I saw them in a hotel in Key West and went home and put them in a bathroom. I'm sorry I didn't do my kitchen the same way. Next time!
    • Amy King Amy King on Jan 28, 2015
      Can't stand white tile floors! Hard to keep clean, reminds of me a hospital/mental institution. Not a fan of white anyway, and prefer something anything but white. Don't want to tear it out if possible would like to stain it or make it look like wood flooring, but not actual wood flooring.
      comment photo
  • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on Jan 29, 2015
    I found this article.... http://homeguides.sfgate.com/stain-tile-floors-56247.html It sounds like you have nothing to lose!
    • D & K D & K on Feb 02, 2015
      @Lucy Nunn, the link to the article you mention uses saltillo tile which is an unglazed tile. Once a tile is glazed, which is actually a form of glass coating, staining becomes impossible.
  • Christina Christina on Feb 01, 2015
    Amy, all due respect to Lucy, your tiles will not take a stain because they are glazed rather than the type the article is about. You can not stain over them. I have made tiles and work in clay-the material tiles are made of. They have products you can paint over the grout to change the color. And you can scrub them with just about any cleaning product as long as it isn't too abrasive. Bon Ami is non-abrasive and cleans all kinds of stuff off if you make it into a paste and let it sit a while. You may even be able to scuff them up enough some sort of sandpaper to apply a floor paint. However, it probably wouldn't hold up to heavy use for long. I would look into going over the top of the tiles with a thin floor covering if the tiles are in very good shape-no cracks and perfectly flat.
  • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on Feb 02, 2015
    I was only giving the article. I would agree with you both. The person who wrote the article disagrees. Just saying. I painted wall tiles before but that's a different ballgame.
  • Amy King Amy King on Feb 10, 2015
    okay, any suggestions? Visual that I can review?
  • Dia Russell Dia Russell on Feb 12, 2015
    I just painted my ceramic tile floors. It's not wood-like, but a solid color...it's not bad. Prime (good bonding primer), paint 2-3 coats, and polyurethane several coats. Just did it so can't speak to how well it holds up, but I sure do like it a lot better than what it looked like before. We will eventually remove and replace, just don't have the $$ saved up yet! Good luck!
    • Kim Kim on Feb 12, 2015
      @Dia Russell I would love to see a picture of your painted tiles.