How to display 12 plate flowers in yard

Mary boudreaux
by Mary boudreaux
I recently made 12 plate flowers and would like to display these in one section of my yard that doesn't get water. I was thinking of putting a glass totem that I recently made in center and putting the plate flowers at different levels around the totem. Do you think this will be too much and do you have any other ideas to display them?
  8 answers
  • Janel Janel on Jun 05, 2015
    Sounds Beautiful - I would love to see pictures.
  • Sarah M Sarah M on Jun 05, 2015
    Do you have a long flower bed that you could put your glass totem in the center, and then stick your other plate flowers on each side of the totem the length of the flower bed? Or do you have a garden shed that you could put your plate flowers along the length of your shed? If you have several flower beds in your yard, you could divide them up and display them in your flower beds.
  • Margaret Margaret on Jun 06, 2015
    Wonderful idea!!! I think just a totem sounds boring but several at different heights sounds great to me. How about displaying them each on a heavy wood dowel so it looks like individual flowers? or an arch shape like a rainbow of flowers? Without seeing them its hard to tell. I would love to see a picture when you are done.
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Jun 06, 2015
    I made several of these and then said, "now what". I placed some in my urns, some randomly in the yard to cover an empty spot, the most brilliant was to place them on my sprinkler risers just under the spray head. I tied them to the riser with jute rope
    • Mary boudreaux Mary boudreaux on Jun 07, 2015
      @MaryAnn B The sprinkler risers is a wonderful idea? How did you place them on urns and what did you attach to the back of the plates to attach them to sprinkler risers?
  • Evelyn Broeffle Evelyn Broeffle on Jun 06, 2015
    Use those old style plate hangers - the ones from like the 70's with the springs. Attach those to posts, painted PVC pipe or rods. You could hang them on the fence as well.
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Jun 08, 2015
    I didn't want to drill thru the glass plate. I went to Michaels and found bud vases that were flat on each side. I used adhesive caulk to attach the vase to the back of the plate. I then found a plant support stake that fit fairly tightly into the neck of the bottle and then stuck it in the ground. I did have a small problem with them facing down. I used different methods to keep them straight like placing a plant stake on the back next to the vase. I also just planted the bottom of the plate in the soil. To Evelyn's comment. I did that too but decided to hang some plates differently. I glued a soda can ring to the back and hung it that way and am happy with that result.
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  • Mary boudreaux Mary boudreaux on Jun 08, 2015
    Thanks, I love your garden, it's so cute.
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Jun 11, 2015
    Thanks Mary