Drapery for an oceanfront condo

Marti Sams
by Marti Sams
I need to select drapery material to cover a 13' wall with sliding glass door facing the Atlantic Ocean. I have purchased a teal sofa & fairly neutral chair for the small living area, but now must replace the drapery. I would like to introduce some red, but don't know whether to go with a print, floral or even if red will work. This drapery will often be closed, since the sun is pretty brutal, so it will become a focal point. I've attached a picture of the sofa, chair & some fabrics that appeal to me. Any advice would be appreciated.
Sofa, chair, fabrics I like
  15 answers
  • Sophie Sophie on Aug 30, 2015
    Tough one. You want a focal point but if the Suns brutal your lovely dark fabric will be bleached in no time.... I did read if you have a beautiful view then the curtains should be very neutral so your eye is drawn to the view. But that is no help if they are shut all the time! X
  • Joanne Halbert Olson Joanne Halbert Olson on Aug 30, 2015
    Buy painters canvas drop cloths. You could stencil a design or a stripe or something nautical.
  • Franchesca Franchesca on Aug 30, 2015
    Perhaps a plain blue/green similar in colour to the ocean, so that you have the view even when the curtains are closed.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Aug 30, 2015
    My favourite is the one with the red background and the blue flowers that are your sofa colour. I would get some of that clear material that is a UV blocker for the windows or else make sure the draperies have a strong backing material to prevent damage. Seems a shame to have to cover the ocean view. Have you thought about an awning for the outside.
  • Debbie Debbie on Aug 30, 2015
    I would go with the white background fabric and have a rug in a coordinating design and colors including some red. Then I would have throw pillows and other accent pieces with red. I could change it out more easily in a few years if I wanted a different accent color. Also, I think the lighter curtains with simpler design will make the room feel larger and not distract from the "main attraction", your ocean view.
  • Trudy Trudy on Aug 30, 2015
    Cooler colors in a hot climate will feel more refreshing at home; bottom middle fabric fits that advice. I agree with buying curtains with an insulating liner to keep out heat and prolong the life of the material. If you can't find insulated ones that you like, layer an insulated pair from a thrift store.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Aug 30, 2015
    window treatments can be quite expensive.My opinion would be to keep them a solid neutral color with blackout fabric lining.You can use one of your fabrics for a valance,which can easily be recovered if or when you are ready for a change.A wooden blind would look look beautiful with any of the fabrics you have chosen.If you did go with a wooden blind I would also attach blackout fabric to the back,which will still prevent heat and sunlight from entering your home.If you face the Atlantic Ocean when the sun rises in the morning the heat and light is very intense.
  • Marti Sams Marti Sams on Aug 30, 2015
    Thank you. Those are good suggestions. I
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 30, 2015
    I wiped keep the color very neutral . There is already a lot of color in the room.
  • Connie Ricke Connie Ricke on Aug 30, 2015
    I love the idea of red with the teal, but maybe not 13' of it. How about a linen look with large grommets, they slide easily, and lined with insulating liner. Use your red and teal, maybe a pop of marigold in pillows and accessories.
  • Julies1949 Julies1949 on Aug 30, 2015
    I would do a simple blind, the same color as the walls. Keep your colors to use in furniture, pillows and other accents.
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  • Z Z on Aug 30, 2015
    @Marti, I would suggest you add more photos of your room and the view. It would not only help us visualize the room, but be really nice of you to share your ocean view! ^) I would suggest you use light color (possibly your wall color) thermal lined panels to close during the hottest part of the day with stationary panels on either side in the print you want. Place the rod back far enough so when they are open you get the whole view.
  • Swan Road Designs Swan Road Designs on Aug 30, 2015
    How about making your own patterned fabric using large fabric drop cloth you can get at your local home center? Stencil on whatever pattern tickles your fancy in whatever color you find appealing. The drop cloth (per yard) would be far more economical than purchased fabric and will be wider, which would allow for fewer seams in the panels. As someone already mentioned, how about doing a grommet treatment for your panels and treating the glass with solar film to control heat/UV. I've said this before, look into Gila films. They are cost-effective, easy to apply and work! I've used the film in two homes and have experienced the value of this stuff. Don't be turned off thinking the film makes your glass look like the car windows you've seen. The film I had on my previous house's windows and the film on my present windows is not even noticeable. Nobody but my husband and I know it's there.
  • Sue A Sue A on Aug 30, 2015
    GO BOLD!! Don't be afraid. Maybe paint an accent wall red, but if you find it hot, you might be warmer! Teal is a great colour & I love the chair. Do you paint! I feel an artistic vibe!! Here are some of my bargain finds, Ocean print, Michaels $2.50. Frame $10 @ the consignment . I did the little girl in watercolour... rocks & shells free! The paint is called RED TORCH by Behr @ H.D. For curtains. Red * Green are opposite on the colour wheel! You know what they say "opposites attract"! Frame your own photos!
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  • Mary Bradford Barranti Mary Bradford Barranti on Jan 15, 2016
    I agree with Sue A. The fabrics you shared are all strong patterns, so I suspect you have an adventurous streak. Be yourself and go bold! I like the fabric at the bottom left. It seems to have the some of the same teal as your sofa. The sun will fade the fabric, so use a lining material on your curtains. The lining material will also add body, making for a better drape and help keep wrinkles at bay. I hope you will post your results.