How do I finish a retaining wall when both sides are exposed?

by Laura

How do I finish a retaining wall when both sides are exposed at the end.

Plan to run the wall to the steps.

  5 answers
  • Karen Hyde Karen Hyde on Aug 12, 2018

    If I've read this correctly, you are concerned about the stairstep end of the walls? I would put plants in each of the holes. Dependent on your climate, you could change out seasonal plants or put in bushes. If you're talking about one side and the other, you could turn the bricks so each one faces the opposite way. The sides of each would line up and both sides would look exactly the same.

  • Elaine Elaine on Aug 12, 2018

    There should be end caps manufactured by the company to end the wall. They will have a square end. Or the manufacturer may suggest splitting the block. Who’s the manufacturer?

  • Peg33933857 Peg33933857 on Aug 12, 2018

    Is this a strong fence to hold all kind of wind? Where do I fine a fence like this? Who makes this product and what kind of wood is it made out of? Is it better to stain the fence or paint it and would I have to do it every year. Please ASAP thank you Peg Mc Menamy

    • Laura Laura on Aug 13, 2018

      I don't have a fence but we used locust wood for the steps are they will last forever and you just leave them natural.

  • Susie Susie on Aug 13, 2018

    I just built a freestanding wall using VersaLok retaining wall block. It looks like you are trying to transition from a retaining wall on the slope to a freestanding wall ending at the steps. Check to see if the retaining block you are using can also be used to build a freestanding wall and/or end columns -- many can, but with a bit of cutting and finishing. Some manufacturers also provide special block for the purpose - I'm not sure about yours, but I would hope so given that cutting or splitting would expose the hollow center. Good luck.

  • Elaine Elaine on Aug 21, 2018

    Ms Laura, I found this You may be able to use their straight block to finish the ends. I would contact Midwest or search their site.

    I’d love to get my hands an locust, great choice!