How do you remove black mold spots around edge of bathtub?

by Darlene
Bathfitters replaced a tub in one of our rentals a few years ago. There are some black mold spots on the caulking where the top of tub and back wall meet.

  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 22, 2018

    spray the mold with white vinegar

  • Skohlhauff Skohlhauff on Mar 22, 2018

    Bleach and elbow grease.

  • Joanne Layton Woods Joanne Layton Woods on Mar 22, 2018

    Did you have mold issues before the bath fitters were installed? If you have mold growing behind the bath fitter, it will need to be dealt with

  • Heather Mccabe Heather Mccabe on Mar 23, 2018

    A product called H G moild remover works very well just follow simple instructions. From hardware stores.

  • Jan Jan on Mar 23, 2018

    I use a cleaner with bleach, and if that isn't strong enough, I use straight bleach and use a toothbrush to scrub. Sometimes the mold comes up, but leaves a slight dark stain behind. I apply bleach with a Q-Tip - dabbing it just on the stain. It may take a few times doing this over a period of several days, but it works for me. Good luck!

  • Jean Dennis Sutton Jean Dennis Sutton on Mar 23, 2018

    After I did research a few years ago, I found that white vinegar kills the roots of mold, whereas bleach does not. I heavily sprayed the vinegar on the mold, let sit, resprayed a few times, then cleaned it with more vibegar. The mold never returned. I hope this helps.

  • Sue in wy Sue in wy on Mar 23, 2018

    I soaked a few cotton balls in bleach and pushed them against the mold. Works on vertical places, too, though you may have to wring out some of the bleach. Let sit a few hours. Good luck!

  • Peggy Haynes Peggy Haynes on Mar 23, 2018

    I did what Susie did but left cotton balls over night, worked great with no scrubing

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 09, 2023

    The bleach will de-colorize the mold, to apply it, you can use the cotton balls or paint it on with a brush. Rinse the next morning and then spray it with vinegar. The vinegar will kill the mold and spores.

  • Spray with vinegar.