How can I remove this cat urine stain from my fiberglass tub?
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my wife swears by vyacil it will just eat it away but we in UK
Try a toilet bowl cleaner. My son bought a rental and YUK awfullest stained tub you ever saw and The Worx did a job on it. What do you have to loose? Good luck.
Hi Margeux. Here are some ideas for you. Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide might work. I hope you find the solution, which I am sure you will. Best wishes Margeux!
we used vinager and baking soda
Cat pee is oil based, not water based like us humans. Natures mirical is what I would use. If it’s not available...dawn dish soap.
Easy Off oven cleaner will take that out.
For any gross stain in my spare bathroom (fiberglass tub) I use Easy Off in the blue can.
But for this have you tried wiping the area down with natures miracle?
Hi Margeux: Make a paste of baking soda and water, and cover the stain with a paper towel soaked in vinegar. Wait one hour, then rub with a cloth or sponge. Rinse. You may have to do it a couple of times, but it should do the trick.