How can I get strong perfume odors out of vintage suitcases?
Beatriz Maria on Mar 27, 2016Try with a damp with white vinegar and dry the case opened. If necessary repeat the operation.Helpful Reply
Dfm on Mar 27, 2016how long did you leave the baking soda or charcoal in place? is the case fiberboard or paper product lined. there is a product called odo ban- i use it on pet stains- depending on the surface it may help. have you tried kitty litter ? the kind with odor absorbing crystals?Helpful Reply
Janet Pizaro on Mar 27, 2016Put a bowl of white vinegar in the cases and leave in overnight to absorb the odor.Helpful Reply
Laurie on Mar 27, 2016Crumple up some newspaper and fill the suitcases with it. Change out the newspaper if the smell remains after the first treatment. I've use this trick in antique furniture and it really does work. Good luck !Helpful Reply
GrinninGramma on Mar 27, 2016Put them outside on a nice day and open them up to the fresh air. Before you close them, put dryer sheets in the sections. This won't completely eradicate the smell but it will tone down the odor quite a bit. If the smell is really overwhelming, get a small bottle of unscented ZorbX (available from Lowe's) and give each suitcase a couple squirts, then close the them up. We use this in our antique shops for suitcases, old trunks, etc. It doesn't stain and doesn't just cover the odor. It actually destroys it.Helpful Reply
Cheryl on Mar 27, 2016I was also going to suggest using white vinegar, but I see that there are many other great ideas here too!Helpful Reply
Arlene Holden on Mar 27, 2016Try tea bags. Worked well with getting nasty smells out of cars. Also you can putting a sliced onion in a bowl to draw the odor out.Helpful Reply
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