How do you make a cowhide rug soft and pliable after it's been cleaned

by Pat
The rug has been spot cleaned after pet accidents, usually around the edges. Now I need to know how to make those areas soft and pliable again!
  3 answers
  • William William on Apr 11, 2016
    Use a leather conditioner and work it in to the leather. If the edges are curling, just curl them in the opposite direction while conditioning. If the edges are really dry, you may have to cut the edges out from the underside. Use a sharp knife at a 45 degree angle, using a wiggling motion, cut the dry parts from inside to the outside of the rug leaving some of the nap to overlap the new edge.
    • See 1 previous
    • William William on Apr 11, 2016
      @Pat No. Actually water isn't really good for hides. The conditioner cream based. Just rub the conditioner in to soften the hide.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 11, 2016
    Any leather conditioner should work. It's like applying lotion to dry skin
  • Hud23075182 Hud23075182 on May 12, 2017

    How do you clean a leather rag rug... should I put into machine on gentle? or hand rub conditioner on it..