How do you take out cat pee smell from a letterman's jacket?
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This article may help:
I used the baking soda, vinegar, detergent on two Chicago Bears jackets to remove mildew odor. Did have to wash them about three times.
Check in an unobtrusive area to see if vinegar will change the color of the jacket. If it doesn't, I have used straight vinegar on carpet and upholstery to get rid of the nasty cat pee smell. Make sure that you get it in deep enough to get all the fibers where it may have soaked in. It may take a couple of tries, it isn't always easy to get all the areas that smell in one shot. Let it dry, it is dry once the vinegar smell disappears, give it the sniff test to make sure that you got it all. I know not all lettermen's type jackets are washable. I hope this helps you Melinda! Have a great Holiday season!
Straight vinegar and lots of it. I also found that if I could put a cardboard box over the area for several days, that discourage the cat from going near the area. All clothing should never be on the floor. In defense of the cat, he wants his loving smell on your things.......
I have also blown up balloons and let them squeak or just popped them near the area. After that set a few balloons in that area and all cats will avoid them. It also works on counters or table table tops. Don't worry, you don't have to live with balloons for ever..........
My sister used green alcohol on her carpet when the cat pee was awful. She said it worked great!!
There is some good stuff for this. It's called Nature's Miracle. You just spray it on and it works. It's an enzyme that breaks down the smell and is sold in pet shops. One time we got a rescue cat and he proceeded to spray all over the house. I was desperate, considering running away from home, but this really works.
Dry cleaning.