I spilled Super Glue on my carpet!!! Can I get it out?

by Mavis
  4 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Feb 08, 2018

    There are super glue debonders where the glue usually is, just ask if you can't find it. Test it in a corner or under a piece of furniture that is never moved to a different spot to make sure it won't alter the texture or color of the carpet.

    • Mavis Mavis on Feb 08, 2018

      Thank you. Home Depot didn't have anything, I googled it and they said to use nail polish remover but that didn't work so I still have a spot that's really hard where the glue is--and of course, it's in a spot that shows.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Feb 08, 2018

    Check out WalMart. I have seen it there, just remember that it can be in more than one spot. You may also find it at Michaels or Hobby Lobby also. I usually get mine at a local hobby shop that deals in building RC planes, cars, trains, etc., so they deal with the stronger Super glues that are called CA glue. That is some wicked glue if you glue yourself to anything, or even your fingers together. but it is really good glue and comes in different types for short, medium and long drying for different applications.

  • Darcie Darcie on Feb 11, 2018

    Yes, use pure grade Acerone, wear gloves, use a Qtip be patient.