How to clean cloudy vinyl windows

We recently bought a summer cottage with a lovely porch. The porch is enclosed with vinyl-covered screens. No glass. Unfortunately the once clear vinyl has now turned cloudy over time and you can barely see out. There are 15 big windows. Any suggestions on how to clean cloudy windows?

  3 answers
  • D Smith D Smith on Jul 04, 2016
    First wash them with soapy water then rinse them well and allow them to dry completely; they will still be cloudy at this point. Second, try car wax in a small area to test this method. Per instructions I found on YouTube, this method works for the soft vinyl windows on soft top Jeeps so it should work for your windows. If it works well on your test area, you have a fairly easy technique to try. Another guy tried furniture polish but I suspect this may not stand up to the weather as well as a wax designed for exterior use.
  • Marrianne Rudy Marrianne Rudy on Jul 05, 2016
    I've used WD 40 on my car light plastic with awesome results. It should work on clear vinyl too. Just spray some on a soft rag and wipe on and off.
  • Glenda Smith Glenda Smith on Jul 05, 2016
    There's are several products sold in stores that is used to clear headlights on cars. This will probably work on your windows too. The brands include Turtle Wax, Blue Magic and Wipe New.