I need to remove wax drippings from Lucite.

by Dottie
HELP!! Can anyone save my sanity. Menorah was gifted to me last year. My bad I didn't try to clean it when I put it away last year .I've tried every cleaning product. Please help!!
  4 answers
  • Z Z on Nov 26, 2013
    Have you tried putting it in the freezer to harden the wax and then use a plastic scraper to remove the wax? Any left over can be removed by wrapping the Menorah in paper towels and then heat with a hair dryer. The wax will absorb into the paper towels. Then you can clean any residue off with a soft cloth.
    • See 3 previous
    • Z Z on Nov 27, 2013
      Oh I'm so glad to hear that@Dottie.
  • Sherrie Sherrie on Nov 27, 2013
    This is a candle holder right? Here is a number tel:207-490-4230 they create lucite. Never use windex or anomina based products. I like the idea of using the blow dryer and old towel to heat it off, chipping it with a sharp object can scratch it and damage it. Becky didn't need me she came up with a prefect answer. I had a hard time finding a web sight for this but another lady asked the very same question and they gave her the phone number so I am passing it on!
    • Z Z on Nov 27, 2013
      Thank you@Sherrie, can you help RUTH too. She has crayon in her carpet and that one has me stumped.
  • Marcy Marcy on Nov 27, 2013
    Hi @Dottie you should be able to clean it easily by carefully pouring boiling hot water on it. Just be really, really careful! And.... Happy Hanukah!
    • Dottie Dottie on Nov 27, 2013
      @Marcy Thank u cold & heat worked. MY new dil gave me this one to add to my collection. Have 15 and yes we light them all at my annual Hanukkah party.. HAPPY Hanukkah,happy thanksgiving & a Merry Xmas(whatever u celebrate)Thanks again
  • Sherrie Sherrie on Nov 27, 2013
    Becky I can't find her post but I pulled up lucite carpet cleaning guidelines and here is what they said please pass this to her. Butter, wine and gum, oh my. What to do when accidents happen. Tips & Techniques for Tricky Stains Removing Wax Stains from Carpet Scoop up and blot as much of the spill as possible. Vacuum up any dry particles. Prepare suggested cleaning solutions below, beginning with the first one listed. Pretest the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous spot of carpet to ensure it does not discolor or damage the carpet. Apply the cleaning solution to the stain area. Note exception: Do not apply dry cleaning fluid directly to carpet. Apply first to cloth and use cloth to apply to carpet. Work from the outside of the stain toward the center. Allow the cleaning solution to remain on the spill for at least five minutes. Blot with a clean white cloth until no more stain transfers to the cloth. Do not rub the stain area or you might damage the carpet fibers. Rinse with cold water. Be sure all cleaning solution is removed from carpet. If you can still see the stain, repeat the process until either the stain is removed or the stain no longer transfers to the cloth. If the stain remains, try the next solution on the list and follow the same protocol above. If the stain persists after trying each solution listed, contact a professional cleaner. Once the stain is removed, place layers of white paper towel on the site to absorb any moisture. Weight down the towels with a non-staining glass or ceramic object. You can let them sit overnight. When the carpet is dry, vacuum to restore the texture. Cleaning Solutions for Wax Dry Cleaning Fluid Use non-flammable dry cleaning fluid or a liquid spot remover from the grocery store or hardware store. Detergent Solution Mix 1/4 teaspoon mild liquid dish soap with one cup warm water.
    • Z Z on Nov 27, 2013
      Thank you @Sherrie. Ruth replied to my first comment.