How to remove adhesive glue from a fiberglass tub?

Judy Lutz
by Judy Lutz
Looking for help to solve this problem... There is a plastic towel bar 'glued' to my bathtub... part of it broke off. So now I am perplexed as to the best way to remove the adhesive pad left behind. Thanks!
  6 answers
  • William William on May 30, 2017

    Goo Gone or WD40.

  • Carol Massi Carol Massi on May 30, 2017

    depending on the type of glue, goo gone, hair dryer, alcohol, nail polish remover!

  • Donna Donna on May 30, 2017


  • Renee Vlna Renee Vlna on May 30, 2017

    Carol Massi has most of it right I think. First, use the hair dryer. make sure you're heating up the piece of the bar that is still attached. This may take some time as you need to get it hot enough to start to make the glue pliable again. Once you get the remaining piece off, the rest will depend on type of adhesive used to put it up in the first place. If using nail polish remover make sure it's the one with acetone or it won't work. you might just buy acetone itself. if all else fails to get remaining glue off, find a cute butterfly or something and put that in it's place. At least it will look cute. lol

    • Judy Lutz Judy Lutz on May 15, 2019

      Great suggestion about covering up an unsightly glue patch with a decorative sticker!

  • Judy Lutz Judy Lutz on May 30, 2017

    These are great ideas. I had tried Goo Gone, but I guess I didn't saturate the area enough. Will try heating it with a hair dryer first to weaken the adhesive, then apply the other methods. Thanks for the suggestions.

  • Helen Ray Helen Ray on May 15, 2019

    Best way to remove fiberglass all glue from Tube Can't anyone please help me