How do I clean old worn out white oak floors?

by EJ
It looks like they haven't been cleaned in years. They are black in some areas.
  2 answers
  • Susan Oglesby Canny Susan Oglesby Canny on Jun 05, 2017

    First you need to know if they are sealed (think varnish or polyurethane) or are waxed with a paste or liquid wax. I have found Simple Green diluted in water and a scrub brush work well on either but if it is an unsealed floor you must make sure you dry it immediately. Then if it is waxed, you will need to get a good paste wax fromHome Depot or Lowes. It goes on just like waxing a car but may require more than one coat depending on how long it has been since they were done. You can remove it by hand as well but it is much easier if you have a buffer with a brush attachment. Some black spots in the wood will not come up without sanding the area. You can try fine steel wool to remove it first.

    • EJ EJ on Jun 05, 2017

      Thank you for your response. I actually use Simple Green for most of my cleaning. I'm def. going to try this.

  • Susan Oglesby Canny Susan Oglesby Canny on Jun 05, 2017

    I just did all the floors in my daughters house. The Simple Green worked great. Having to use paste wax on all the floors was a lot of work. 😐