How can I remove sap spots from a TREX DECK?

by Rei23956100
How can I remove sap spots from a TREX DECK. Sap from pine trees…

I have tried Varsol, gasoline….??

Thank you

  6 answers
  • Rowgop (Pam) Rowgop (Pam) on Jun 03, 2018

    TTry this

  • Gregg Gregg on Jun 03, 2018

    What about trying bug and tar remove, that they sell for cars.

  • Michele Marchinko Michele Marchinko on Jun 04, 2018

    Try WD40. I use it for all types of sticky stain remover!

  • Dav28682633 Dav28682633 on Jun 04, 2018

    Spray 9 works great for tree stickies and sap. Works on vehicles too. Don't use on plastics as it cloud it.

  • Denis Denis on Mar 22, 2022

    I was really hoping some one would come up with a good answer. I couldn't find anywhere to ask a question so her I go...I hosed off my new deck because of mud that the dogs got all over the deck, now I need to get the hard water mess off. And vinegar is out of the question it would take gallons....I thought this decking material was almost impossible to hurt but water share did it...guess I will be trying the high-pressure washer and hope that it doesn't take off the material...