How do I clean the black ick off a faux copper kinetic yard sculpture?

by Gaelle

I bought this at Costco a few years ago. It started out a dimpled faux copper with some black antiquing. Now, it is covered in some black icky (it's not slimy) not attractive stuff. I'd like to remove this stuff without damaging the original finish underneath. Could anyone help me with what I should use? If I could give it a bath I have a large galvanized tub, but think that might react? Thanks for any help you can offer.

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  8 answers
  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on May 04, 2019

    Try soap and water and a wrap or a soft brush in a small spot first

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on May 04, 2019

    Or buy another put in the box and keep new one and return old one

  • Marj Marj on May 04, 2019

    Have you tried metal or copper cleaner? Is it covered or has the finish worn off and it is down to the metal? A homemade cleaner for copper is ketchup and salt. You say it is faux copper, was it painted a copper color? You could also try the Magic Eraser. Try whatever in a small spot first.

  • William William on May 05, 2019

    Seems like oxidation to me. Try slathering some ketchup on a small area and see if it works. Leave it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse well. If that doesn't work than repainting with metal paint would be the final solution.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on May 05, 2019

    I'm thinking the original finish is gone. Take this opportunity to turn this ornament into something unique! Try a few solvents on some small spots to see what takes the gunk off - then use that to bring the piece back to the base metal. Next, check out some outdoor regular or metallic spray paints (they come in colors, too!) and find something that appeals to you. Follow the instructions and spray several light, even coats. Follow that with a clear UV resistant coating. Make sure the mechanism is in working order - clean that up and give it a shot of WD-40 to lubricate it. You're wind-spinner will be good as new!

  • June Huff June Huff on May 05, 2019

    Is it oxidation or is it sap from the trees. If it is sap hot soapy water will take it off with a little scrubbing. If it's oxidation try some rubbing ketchup on a small spot.

  • Mary Mary on May 05, 2019

    Try a mix of Salt and vinegar to see if works