What can we do about a Fishy smell in basement? Help!
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Try adding water to all your floor drains. My laundry room floor drain sometimes emits a foul odor and adding water to get it back up to level seals off the gas that gives that horrible smell.
contact a plumber to run the line
If it smells like 'Dead Fish' it is either a dead rodent, possum, squirrel, or very stagnant water in an old boiler, a/c tank, bucket? drain? pinpointing the place where it's the worst may help solve what it is, if it's a rodent etc, the smell will eventually decline, however there is a danger from disease fouling the air and any drains etc, if it's stagnant water it won't improve much and may get worse whilst becoming more toxic and a breeding ground for mosquitoes etc.. finding the source of the smell is important.
Good luck,