How to age stainless steel?

by Dawn
I have a stainless steel tray that is the same shape as an old silver plated one. I don't like the way the stainless steel looks new and shiny... I want to dull it.

  4 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Mar 09, 2018

    I wonder if pewter colored RubnBuff would help? It’s great on picture frames. I used it here when I changed a picture frame from gold to a brushed nickel computer combination. It may need to spray sealer as a final coat.

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  • Lindy Lindy on Mar 10, 2018

    Use steel wool to dull the finish--what you are doing is scratching it so whatever angle you scrub with will be what shows on the tray.

    If you want to make it rusty:

    I Googled "how to age stainless steel" for you and there are a few ways to accomplish this with some work. I would suggest you do the Google search with your question to find what works best for you.

    • See 1 previous
    • Lindy Lindy on Mar 10, 2018

      Google is your friend----you can learn how to do just about anything with a simple search--same with YouTube. Go for it and good luck! Learning through the experience of experts who have already paved the way to success

  • Ghi22279354 Ghi22279354 on Mar 10, 2018

    If you want a dull look , apply some CLR (calcium lime and rust remover) It contains a mild acid that will dull the finish