Asked on May 23, 2017

Alternative to E6000 glue?

by Rebecca
I'm looking for an alternative to E6000 glue. It works very well, but contains carcinogens.
  9 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 23, 2017

    what are you trying to glue?

  • Rebecca Rebecca on May 23, 2017

    Ideally, something that's waterproof and flexible. Presently, I'm gluing glass marbles to ceramic tile to make trivets. E6000 worked great. I also need glue for general purposes. Thanks!

  • William William on May 24, 2017

    I know the smell is pretty intense while using it, but once it's bonded, it doesn't smell so strong. I could totally see the vapors it gives off in "liquid" form could be a carcinogen.

    Anything with a TLV-TWA over 100 ppm should be considered HIGHLY toxic. The TLV on E6000 is just 25 ppm. Definitely make sure you have really good ventilation when you use it. Once its dry it is relatively harmless

    But also, look up MSDS on most other supplies, etc...they all contain carcinogens as well. Thousands of products do, some that you probably use regularly. You'd be hardpressed to find stuff that isn't carcinogenic. Even your furniture contains unhealthy stuff. Computers, electronics, processed food, fluorescent light bulbs, windex, the air, the water... it's inescapable

    • Rebecca Rebecca on May 24, 2017

      Sadly, I'm sure that's true! For one specific project, I was using it for an art workshop, and I didn't want to use it under those circumstances. Thanks for the response!

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on May 24, 2017

    I've had luck with superglue as well

  • Rebecca Rebecca on May 24, 2017

    Yeah, I was taking I'd try Gorilla Glue. Thanks!

  • Jill Marissa Jill Marissa on Nov 19, 2018

    Try GemTac, it's an alternative to E6000 that I use for rhinestone application. It's non-toxic (smells like Elmer's glue!) and fairly cheap. Order from rhinestone suppliers. Dries clear.

  • Jeane Jeane on Jun 21, 2019

    I have developed an allergy to E600. I use it for glass on glass mosaics. I need something that drys clear

  • Jonathan Tay Jonathan Tay on Sep 13, 2019

    Definitely! I used it in another room, blast the fan, open all windows while working with this stuff. It has a foul vinegar like smell. It's super toxic but it's so useful! The best glue ever. Nothing comes close...Is there?