Asked on Dec 28, 2015

How to adhere comic book pages to walls

We are finishing my husband's office/game room in our basement. He had a great idea to apply comic book pages to one of the walls as a sort of wallpaper. I'm wondering what would be the best method. I'm thinking anything water based would make the pages crinkle. Any ideas?
  9 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 28, 2015
    I would first make a large collage on a pieces of project boards available in craft stores.Use Mod Podge to glue your pictures applying gently as not to wrinkle the photos. There are different types of this available so make sure you purchase the proper glue. Once your collage is done then you can hang this on your walls.
  • Linda Joyner Lehn Linda Joyner Lehn on Dec 28, 2015
    He wants to do the whole wall floor to ceiling. It's about a 10 foot long wall.
  • Barbara Valenti Barbara Valenti on Dec 29, 2015
    Well, I guess if you don't mind future trouble I am sure there is a way. You didn't say what your walls are but if smooth I would just add them with modpodge. Smooth out with you hand or a rolling pin. Being careful not to tear. People use torn pieces of brown grocery bags to do a floor and they dip that in a water,glue bath. The only thing I would think would be to seal the floor with a clear varnish or polymer so as not to scuff or tear up the floor. It would probably need many coats to be on the safe side. I would just treat this as thin wallpaper and go with the flow. What's the worse that could happen? Start over and have to take it off with a scraper then end up painting the room and floor. See, you will never know until you try. Good luck! Post when done I would love to see it. My husband and I owned a Comic book store years ago. No we didn't do that, we rented a place. The trouble I mentioned with the future is if you get tired of this, who is going to strip it off, or just paint or wallpaper over it???
  • Rosie Glassey Rosie Glassey on Dec 29, 2015
    Wallpaper paste would be ideal - it's designed to stick paper to walls! You could try just one sheet to check that it doesn't crinkle but I'm sure it would be fine.
    • Laura Watson Laura Watson on Dec 29, 2015
      I agree with Rosie. Mod Podge would be extremely difficult to remove later. Wallpaper Paste is made for the purpose of papering walls. Do a test piece to see if you need to seal the back of the pages first.
  • Pam brimhall Pam brimhall on Dec 29, 2015
    When modpodge hits a comic book the other side will bleed through. The only way to apply with a crisp look is to pre paint the side that will be against the wall white. Spray paint would work best
  • Audrey Trubshaw Audrey Trubshaw on Dec 29, 2015
    I "papered" my half bath with vintage patent medicine ads off the Internet and from old advertising books, using ModPodge. I copied and pasted them into a Word document and used my ink jet printer. I did spray each piece with clear acrylic first to prevent bleeding (laser copies won't bleed.) It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Have fun with your project, would love to see it completed!
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  • Audrey Trubshaw Audrey Trubshaw on Dec 29, 2015
    One more thing: I put this on over old strippable wall paper, so it will be easy to remove all at once.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Dec 29, 2015
    Hi Linda Would you consider framing the comic book pages instead of using them as wallpaper? I would think with the lightweight paper that the pages would not hold up well once they get moist from a glue or paste. I would get a couple different sizes of poster frames and make up a collage of the pages and then hang the frames very close to one another on the wall. The frames will add some definition to the wall and the colorful pages will add interest as the focal point of the art. Best wishes! Post a photo of what you finally decide to do!
  • April E April E on Dec 29, 2015
    I would use 1:1 elmers glue and water saturate the pages as you put them on the wall then seal with a satin poly in 2 coats. I have done paper walls, floors, and furniture and this is the best method I have found. While wallpaper paste seems logical it is to heavy for thin paper, such as comic book pages.