Using Mod Podge on tiles

by Julie
I purchased glazed tiles from a repurpose store. I want to Mod Podge maps on them for coasters. The edges are raw so I was going to paint the edges. Should I paint the top of the tiles? Or can i just modge podge the map onto the glazed tile?
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 11, 2016
    My opinion is to just apply the maps as the mod podge may not adhere correctly. I think leaving the unpainted finish will add a interesting touch.
  • Sherry Fram Sherry Fram on Jan 11, 2016
    I made coasters for Christmas & I just mod-podged the paper right onto the tile.
  • Lynn Miner Flynn Lynn Miner Flynn on Jan 11, 2016
    Yup. Just Mod-podge directly to the tile. Depending upon the look you are going for you can use Matte or Gloss. I hot glue a square of felt to the back of each tile.
  • Dolores Basich Dolores Basich on Jan 12, 2016
    yes I would podge the whole thing for a sealed fiish
  • Marie Forlano Papa Marie Forlano Papa on Jan 12, 2016
    You can adhere the paper right to the tile with Mod Podge; however, if the coaster will get wet, be sure to either use the dishwasher safe Mod Podge (I think the Outdoor Mod Podge may be water resistant) or apply a spray sealer over the finished coaster.
  • Lynne dolan Lynne dolan on Jan 12, 2016
    For a professional-looking finish, I suggest lightly sanding the tile with fine sandpaper to remove (rough up) the glaze, then apply a coat of [tinted] primer to act as a base before applying the maps/Modge Podge. The edges of the tile can also be painted with the primer. To ensure that your coasters are water and scratchproof, add a couple of coats of sealant, and of course a backing like cork or felt. Good luck. Please post photos of finished project.
  • EVELYN EVELYN on Nov 18, 2019

    what sealant did you use when mod podging ceramic coasters?