Need Ideas - How to Install T1-11 on exterior walls over 8’ tall

Hi! The Hubs and I are renovating our screened in porch and turning it into a garage. The exterior sides are in excess of 8’ and will need L track to join the vertical seems unless we can come up with a more aesthetically pleasing idea. Any thoughts? We were thinking a 1x 4 band at the top where the two pieces join, or maybe the bottom? Can send pics if needed. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

  2 answers
  • Jcraw Jcraw on Jul 27, 2018

    These are exacting instructions. I certainly can’t add anything about hanging T1-11, unless you want photos of the nasty job my neighbor did.

    I don’t know if it would complement your home, but you could “frame” your T- sheets the way you would a picture, the width being of the trim boards being 1/2 of the gap top and bottom., all painted to match. It would help secure the top from water intrusion as well as nicely finishing the bottom edge.

    I’m picturing 1” x 4” flat trim framing each side of your garage. To pull it together, trim around the windows as well. Neat package.

    An alternative is faux-stone or brick face on the bottom “open” section, which could be very handsome, but obviously far more costly.

    Your ambition is admirable.

  • Dacss78 Dacss78 on Jul 27, 2018

    There is special shaped trim or tracking that is recommended for a job like this. Install the lower section of T1-11 first than the trim on top of the front surface and the actual top of the sheet. The trim goes behind the upper sheet, above the lower and in front of the lower. It is shaped like a capital "L" with an additional edge parallel to the vertical but going down from the horizontal. Imagine the "l" hanging down from the right hand edge of an "L".