My contractor said grout had to dry 24 hrs before wiping it off

He said just use a bucket of water and wipe with the special sponge. Yeah right! I've been wiping the same spot for 30 mins.
  8 answers
  • Mrstedy1 Mrstedy1 on May 23, 2017

    Maybe a haze remover would help. I usually wipe mine the same day

  • William William on May 23, 2017

    Scrub Away

    Mix about one part vinegar to 4 parts warm water. Add the vinegar/water to the surface of the tile. Get a Scotch Brite Heavy Duty scouring pad wet as well. Begin to scour the tile surface with the pad adding plenty of vinegar/water as you scrub. You should see dramatic results within seconds.

    Check for Scratches!

    You can test to see if all of the grout paste has been removed by doing a rinse on the tile(s) you just worked on. Use a soft cotton cloth to dry the tile. You can also dry it quickly with a regular fan or a hair dryer.

    Remove Haze

    Wet tile can trick you. It often looks perfect but frequently after it dries you will see a slight grout haze upon it. Hold a piece of spare tile next to the clean and dry tile to see if it has been restored to its original condition. Rinse with more vinegar/water using a mop.

    • See 1 previous
    • Carlee Bottenfield Carlee Bottenfield on May 23, 2017

      Also, I should have clarified...these are NOT ceramic tiles, but the newer grout-able vinyl peel and stick tiles. Does that change any of your suggestions? I am scared of scratching the tile.

  • Why isn't your contractor completing this job? It's like asking you to add the final coat of paint! I'd review your contract and/or report him to the BBB!

  • William William on May 23, 2017

    Secret Sugar Trick

    I know this is going to sound crazy, but try it. Take one gallon of warm water and dissolve a cup of sugar into it. Take this sweet solution and pour it onto excess grout on a floor. If you have wall tile with too much grout, then soak paper towels in the solution and place them on the tile.

    Keep the tile wet with the sugar water for at least two hours. After this dwell time is complete, use a new Scotch Brite scrub pad and scrub a small area. You should see instant results. It may take more than one application of sugar water to completely remove the grout film.

  • Mrstedy1 Mrstedy1 on May 23, 2017

    I rely on one very knowleble person at lowes. Questioned him for a long time went home looked everything up he said to do before I dove in. Now when I am doing more tiling I only go to hom. I literally tell the other associates that I will wait until John is back. He has saved me so much money

  • Mrstedy1 Mrstedy1 on May 23, 2017

    I am a pain customer when it comes to diy and paying as a paying customer. I have found sone people are only concerned about how they get more money or don't know how to do a job and don't care if they tell you wrong. Another associate in plumbing told me I had to get the compression nut off to change the tubes/pipes behind the toilet. (Don't laugh) I bent the pipe so bad had to shut the water off all night and call out an emergency plumber the next day. The he said he almost had to tear the wall apart to fix the pipe. So lesson learned research, research and the research contractors and diy jobs

  • William William on May 23, 2017

    Should actually be easier to remove off the vinyl using my tips. The vinyl is more resilient than ceramic tile. Good luck.

  • Carlee Bottenfield Carlee Bottenfield on May 23, 2017

    The scotch brite and water/vinegar mix has worked Well! I may go over it again and fine tune some of the grout lines and even noticed 2 tiles still had the spacers in there! Thanks again!

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