How do I cover a 3" difference between living room and kitchen floor?

LindaLou Parker
by LindaLou Parker

The edge of this is covered with metal door edging, how do I protect a baby from this edging and make the floor more safe

  4 answers
  • Nicki Petruzzella Kerns Nicki Petruzzella Kerns on Aug 28, 2018

    We have the same problem in our house but the difference is about 1.5". For a while I painted the metal strip that edges it (forgot what it's called) red for high visibility. Is there space for a baby gate there?

  • Zard Pocleeb Zard Pocleeb on Aug 28, 2018

    I ‘m thinking maybe you can put up one of those baby gates. They are cheap, and they don’t have to be attached to the door frame.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Aug 28, 2018

    'Sounds to me that maybe the transition piece between the different floor heights was not constructed properly... Is the cause of the difference due to new flooring being laid on top of existing flooring? What materials are the floor in the living room and kitchen? Could you post a picture of the threshold, so that we could see exactly what you are working with?

  • LindaLou Parker LindaLou Parker on Aug 28, 2018

    The living room floor is a vinyl “wood” the kitchen is vinyl tile and the three inch lip is 110inches long and zig zagged so definitely not done right. I have a picture but I can’t figure out how to attach it. The threshold is a metal under door strip and sharp at the corners where it zig zags. It’s a mobile home someone tried to flip but got lost in his “repairs “