Can the vinegar, salt and soap mixture be put in a garden sprayer.

by PAM8315712
Am thinking this might hurt or damage my garden sprayer. I am thinking about spraying this mixture around my flower gardens to keep the grass from growing into the flower beds. Thanks for your info!

  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 24, 2018

    that is not meant for gardens, as the mixture will kill the plants.this should only be used on weeds growing inbetween rocks and sidewalks

  • William William on Apr 24, 2018

    I agree with Janet. It will leach into the soil and kill you flowers. Meant to be used on pavers, driveways, sidewalks where no plants are present.

  • Dms18078854 Dms18078854 on Apr 24, 2018

    Dont use a sprayer. Spend some money and boy a container of PREEN. They are small granules and come in a plastic container. Just sprinkle on the grass in the flower gardens. Keeps weeds at bay too.

  • Kathy A Kathy A on Apr 24, 2018

    Or rinse/wash your sprayer thoroughly with soap and water when done spraying.