How can I refinish kitchen cabinets without having to sand them?

Laura Calla
by Laura Calla

  2 answers
  • Sarah Ogle Sarah Ogle on Jul 26, 2018

    Wash them down very well. then use at least one coat of good primer like kilz it helps block any oils that are embedded in the cabinets. Then paint however you like. remember to dry well between coats of paint better to do light coats and more of them then putting to much on at once. This will help minimize brush strokes/textures. If you do get some texturing give it a light sanding with a fine sand paper wipe off and do a light coat.

  • Laura Calla Laura Calla on Jul 26, 2018

    Thank you. Can't wait to try it. Unfortunately 2 weeks ago I suffered a major coronary so I need to gain my strength back before starting a project. But as soon as Dr gives his ok I'm on it!