What can I do with Dead space outdoors?

We have a dead space by the shed where the leaves are. Slightly awkward. Fence bends at the corner, approx 2ft drop from beginning to the edge of the shed, and trees we don't want to move or impede. Suggestions? We also are going to follow the fence back (away from the shed) with a walkway or path of some kind. So that can be included in your thoughts. Thanks!!!

  12 answers
  • Loi14134901 Loi14134901 on Apr 01, 2017

    Plant a perennial garden and take walkway around the space put a seating arrangement and even a potable fire pit in safe place on patio blocks.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 01, 2017

    I would enlarge the are a little and build a small retaining wall.Plant perennials based on your zone with some colorful annuals.Place a gazing ball,bench or fountain as a additional focal point.

  • Marie Marie on Apr 03, 2017

    How about a "destination"? With a pea gravel patio, set a dining table and chairs. The tree cover is perfect for lighting if you have electricity nearby, if not, a candelabra would suit. I would remove the overgrown shrub or trim it back by 2/3.

  • Har22225766 Har22225766 on Apr 04, 2017

    I would clean it up a little bit, put up a small chicken coop and have three or four chickens fenced in that area , they also make great pets

  • Marsha Marsha on Apr 04, 2017

    I would make a nice rock garden. If you have access to some larger sized rocks that you could incorporate into the area, add some perennials and a few solar path lights interspersed. I think it would make for a really pretty focal point.

    • Kathy Kathy on Apr 04, 2017

      Marsha,you have a great idea with the large rocks, I would plant succulents in and by the rocks along with mint you can use it In a variety of ways . In drinks Ice Tea,, salads, top off a steak, and once you brush the leaves it has a great fragrance, it crawls also, and takes no maintenance..

  • LorriLJ LorriLJ on Apr 04, 2017

    The space is great. You don't mention where in the yard it is. South facing, west, north or east. If the spot gets at least 6 hours of sunshine a day you could incorporate some vegetables mixed in with perennial and annual flowers. A beautiful trellis set far enough away from the fence and you can plant scarlet runner beans, peas and cucumbers. Along the outside edge could be carrots with lettuce beets and radishes in front. Tomatoes need to be properly supported. The cages they sell now are not strong or big enough so think bamboo posts and tying the plant to them. If you put any herbs in check their spreading tendency. You may want to sink a clay pot in the ground to contain them. By all means add a water feature (bird bath, fountain, small pond). And a lovely stone bench. The space is only limited by your imagination.

  • Rymea Rymea on Apr 04, 2017

    It looks like it might be a shady area when the trees leaf out. Maybe one or two short bushes like azaleas with some annuals at the front edge for color later in the season or if you don't care about tending and planting annuals then hostas along the front edge.

  • Inetia Inetia on Apr 05, 2017

    Something like this maybe.

    comment photo
    • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Apr 08, 2017

      What a beautiful relaxing area. Great job. I'll bring the Ice Tea, cheese and crackers  Thanks for sharing your creation.

  • Kaye Kaye on Apr 05, 2017

    Hi, suggest you get rid of the bush and make a lovely garden that enhances the tree. Paint the shed a woodsy color as a back drop. If you are like me, low maintenance is the way to go. Flowering ground cover (dead nettle - actually a lovely plant) along with some hostas and other colorful leaf perennials will do the trick.

    Also, trim the branches on the tree that hang over the fence, this should encourage your tree to grow on the opposite side.


  • Ginger the farm gal Ginger the farm gal on Apr 07, 2017

    I would paint the fence, add a mirror to the shed that looks like a window. Landscape blocks around the tree and a path to the shed, with edging along side of short evergreens or monkey grass, use timbers or matching landscape blocks. some large rock, pea gravel in the path way and maybe a picknick table or swing.

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Apr 08, 2017

    I'd clean and rake the area to begin with. Do you like paved areas or graveled areas? What's your budget? Any preference of usage? Private relaxing spot, pet area, child's play house, flower garden arrangements? Sketch it out on a drawing pad what you'd like to see there and visit your local home & garden shop for their suggestions. There are a lot of options for you. Budget friendly too. Best of luck.

  • MARY ABLES MARY ABLES on Sep 15, 2017


    GRASS TO IT TOO. NO SMELL LIKE OTHER MULCHES. {make sure to turn the mulch over once every week so worms & such can enjoy your labor. Infact depending on your soil, your fishermen in the family can harvest the worms.

    just keep the family garbage out of it. }
