Asked on Jul 14, 2013

Gazing ball problem

by Kathy
apparently the seal is weak on my gazing ball and am now discovering that instead of being a beautiful opaque emerald green sphere you can now see thru the ball....not what i wanted. is there any way to re-glaze the inside of the ball? any ideas would help. thx
this is the after w/looking glass paint. thx everyone
  19 answers
  • Lori J Lori J on Jul 14, 2013
    Why not just spray paint it with looking glass?
  • Kathy Kathy on Jul 14, 2013
    Lori J, sorry what is looking glass?
  • Lori J Lori J on Jul 14, 2013
    Oops....looking glass spray paint--gives a mirrored surface.
  • Joan Williams Joan Williams on Jul 15, 2013
    Pour some irridescent latex paint (from the craft store) inside, swirl around to cover the entire surface, then turn upside down to let it drain out & dry.
  • Z Z on Jul 15, 2013
    Looking Glass paint is meant to work when sprayed on the wrong or inside of glass. I'm not sure with the glass being this dark how well it would work and the paint is a bit on expensive side if it doesn't work. If you meant iridescent when you said opaque then do as @Joan Williams says.
  • April E April E on Jul 16, 2013
    I don't understand what you mean your "seal is weak" these are not supposed to be displayed "seal" side up and many gazing balls are made to be able to "see" through them if you want your glass to be opaque then use any type of paint inside it fill 1/4 of the way and swirl until the whole inside is coated the prop up so it can drain and dry the if you want it perminatly sealed use a rubber cork and some epoxy
  • Kerry Morris Kerry Morris on Jul 16, 2013
    yes mirror spray paint from michaels.
  • Kathy Kathy on Jul 16, 2013
    thanks all; the seal is black rubber around the bottom of the glass. typical summer heat (>100) probably contributed to the seal eroding or cracking even tho it was not exposed. The glass was originally a rich green crackled effect that you could no see through. I loved that look. If i spray paint w/looking glass i could go for the vintage mercurial look, but i'm afraid the green will show through.
  • Pauline Cobb Choate Pauline Cobb Choate on Jul 16, 2013
    My gazing balls do exactly the same thing! Frustrating for sure.. I will be recycling mine this go 'round by doing a mosaic on it with glass tiles.
  • T. J. T. J. on Jul 16, 2013
    I saw a DIY project where they glued those little glass/plastic spheres that look like flattened marbles all over either in multi color or all one color, it looked really cool.
  • Chris G Chris G on Jul 16, 2013
    Michael and Hobby Lobby sell stain glass window paint.
  • Nan Wagner-McLean Nan Wagner-McLean on Jul 16, 2013
    I am planning to tuck a solar sting of LED lights into mine and celebrate it Day and Night.
  • Trashy Treasures Trashy Treasures on Jul 16, 2013
    I really liked the look of the emerald ball but if that isn't what you wanted, I can see how it would be frustrating. How did you get that cracked look to it?
  • Kathy Kathy on Jul 16, 2013
    the gazing ball came w/the crackled effect
  • Z Z on Jul 16, 2013
    Wow that looks so much shinier than the photo I saw online of it done on the outside. I like it!
  • Comet Comet on Jul 28, 2013
    I recently got a 50+ year old gazing ball that has a wonderful--to me!!!!--old "chippy" mirror paint look to it--but the base on this one is sealed with a large old cork! Now I need to find some way to show this off---where DO you buy just the stands????
  • Greg Leopold Greg Leopold on Apr 24, 2017

    Last year the heat built up inside my sealed gazing ball to the point of causing the glass to crack and ultimately fall apart. This year I am going to remove the rubber seal to avoid this issue from occurring again. What is the purpose of the rubber end seal?

    • See 1 previous
    • William Freigruber William Freigruber on Jul 19, 2017

      It keeps condensation, spiders and ants out. You can wash the insides out using any dish soap just rinse it good. I bought a solar fibre optic garden light on eBay for $ 6 and modified it to go inside our globe so it lights up and changes color at night.

  • Ken Ken on Aug 22, 2018

    my question is the same, and I have not found an answer, how do i keep the seal on, and at the same time keep my gazing ball from building up enough pressure to force it off, or blow up my ball... anyone...

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 18, 2022

    Hi Kathy, you can easily renew the reflection on your gazing ball, hope this helps you out,