How do I attach a gazing ball to its stand so it won’t blow off?

by Robin
  4 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on May 09, 2018

    You should glue it to the base. You could use E6000 or even gorilla glue. Both can be purchased at Wal Mart or any home improvement store. Best of luck to you.

  • Sharon Sharon on May 09, 2018

    I am trying to figure out the same thing, what to use as a base, and we have such high winds here.... I will probably either put some fine fish net over it, or glue it on with construction adhesive.

  • William William on May 09, 2018

    Clear silicone should work. E6000 is a good glue.

  • Jdy33106128 Jdy33106128 on May 10, 2018

    Gorilla Glue!!