How can I paint an antique well pump in my flower bed?
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Cut a piece of cardboard from a box, preferably the corner, and hold it or prop it behind as you spray. I do the same thing IN house, with my wood stove every spring, to protect the walls, but have a nice looking stove all summer.
You can spray paint it providing you can protect the plants,or else you will have to hand paint it
Get tone of those clear plastic painters tarps and spread it around your garden with the pump in the middle open. You can spray paint to your hearts content and the plants will be covered. Use some rocks or bricks to hold the plastic down around the base of the pump. Have fun, you can do this!
Both work, its just that brush painting probably will be less time consuming that the time it takes to protect plants and area around it.
Both great ideas. Spray painting can get over spray on you and anything within several feet. You also have to wait for a less windy day...preferably. You would need several light coats to get a smooth finish. Brush painting can be done anytime. No worry about wind, over spray, and can be done with less coats of paint.
Get some old Sheets or some plastic and use that to protect the plants you can either cover them or make a temporary fence as a back drop to catch the over spray.