Help! Disaster with chalk paint!
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Wow, I actually think that white looks great! I hope you figured out a solution and came up with something you like!
Hi Holly, I did come up with a fitted slip cover that did the trick and then I gave it away. I will never attempt that again. :( 😁
Maybe the paint was put on too thick? I've seen success with it using a very light coat then another when it dries. I'm sorry you were disappointed with it. I think it depends on the fabric too.
Vinyl is essentially a polymer called Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) which is used to make a range of products from records to drainpipes and guttering. Flexible vinyl has plasticisers added to make it bend and flex which is why it can be used for clothing and faux leather. Two of the properties of PVC are wear resistance and chemical resistance so any paint that you want to stick to it would need to chemically react with the material to obtain proper adhesion. Chalk paint does not have chemicals that react with PVC and is designed to form a thick coat. As it dries very quickly, this coat will crack when the vinyl bends, which seems to have happened. Chalk paint simply does not have the flexibility to coat shiny surfaces like vinyl. It can be used on fabrics, but that's because the fabrics absorb the paint into the fibres.
Hello. Thank you for posting your project- it is a good learning experience for me.
I’m sorry this happened and I hope that your fabric cover application exceeds your expectations and helps you forget about your upsetting situation.
For the next time, buy an automotive Vinyl spray “paint” at an auto parts store.
With proper prep cleaning and application, it will last a decade on car seats.
Ive even used it on oxidized vinyl automotive trim.
They have leather spray paint. I don’t think it looks bad. The spray paint may come in matte, semi gloss and gloss
paint stripper will help
Here are some ideas that might help