What paint can I use to paint a faux leather chair?
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Check out calk painted chairs - on youtube
Hello Cheryl! A test of three different types of spray paint resulted in Rustoleum being the best. It had great coverage so that only one can was used, it passed the flexibility test, and the chip resistant test. Click on the link below to view the article that backs this up. Good luck.
You can use Heirloom Traditions Paint
Hello! Rustoleum vinyl paint provides excellent coverage; however does not fill in cracks. If paint is peeling, sand off the peeling paint and then recoat the iten with Rustoleum paint. No need to apply primer since Rustoleum paint includes a primer in it .
I painted an entire sectional with rub n restore it’s amazing. It was cream/beige and I painted it black. It looked amazing, like a brand new Couch! Unfourtunatly my after picture doesn’t do it any justice. i painted it in 2012 it help up beautifully. Wore like a regular leather couch would have and never had to touch up. Got a new couch last summer only because the Couch it self was falling apart.