What kind of paint should I use to paint walnut wood furniture?

My bedroom furniture is 49 years old and I am tired of the walnut wood color. I want to paint my triple dresser, tall bureau and two night stands. The colors I will be using are gray and black, but I do not know what brand is best to buy for furniture which will not leave brush strokes.
  5 answers
  • Willy boy 64 Willy boy 64 on Apr 25, 2017

    Rost oleum is a great brand of paint for painting furnitures.

  • Joyce DiBenedetti Joyce DiBenedetti on Apr 26, 2017

    Has anyone heard of or used Fusion Paint for wood furniture?

  • CK CK on Apr 26, 2017

    Look for a brand of paint that says "self leveling" for fewer brush marks. Or purchase a product called "Flotrol". It's an additive used with water-based paints to help level out the paint and reduce brush marks.

    And VERY important for any brand of paint is buying high quality brushes! Most professional painters rely very heavily on Purdy Brushes. You can also try foam rollers but sometimes they do leave a sort of "textured" appearance. If you're looking for very smooth, go with brushes. Or if your budget allows, you could get a small paint sprayer. I've used this one and LOVE it! :-) It's about $80.


    Remember: the higher the gloss, the more brush marks will show and also any imperfections in the furniture itself (such as scrapes, dings, scratches).

    • See 1 previous
    • CK CK on May 14, 2017

      Rayleen....I had an interior decorating business for 12 years. Did several paint projects over the years so have a lot of experience.

  • Joyce DiBenedetti Joyce DiBenedetti on Apr 26, 2017

    Thank you! That was all very helpful info.

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 13, 2023

    For the finish, choose an enamel, not a paint meant for walls or siding. A high-quality paint brush will also help improve the results. Before applying primer or paint, remove dust from the surface with a vacuum or dusting cloth. Prime all the surfaces first and let the primer dry thoroughly, then brush on the finish.