Asked on May 03, 2012

When did veneer come into play with furniture? I have an old dresser that is supposedly from the late 1800's and it has

Daniel W
by Daniel W
  10 answers
  • Apparently it dates back to the Egyptians. You could have Cleopatra's dresser!! It was commonly used in the 18th & 19th centuries and a antique furniture dealer could likely tell the date simply by the technique used in the veneer. Do you know the vood on the veneer? The Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association (HPVA) (Yes. There is a veneer association.) records that it was the piano manufactures who first began using plywood in 1830.
  • Daniel W Daniel W on May 04, 2012
    Thank you, I'll have to take a picture of it and post it,it's kind of a Tiger patterned wood veneer,it's dovetail construction.I received it fully disassembled,my friends took it apart to put it in their attic,now I get to put it back together again,it goes together rather easilky and without glue.
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on May 04, 2012
    Definitely post a picture. Sounds very interesting!
  • Kelly O Kelly O on May 05, 2012
    back in the old days veneer was not viewed as a bad thing. it's all hand carved and not machine made. and just a tad thicker.. not necessarily bad to have it. i would also love to see the dresser.
  • Daniel W Daniel W on May 05, 2012
    This is a picture of the top,I'll add more once I get it all together.
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  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on May 05, 2012
    That looks like some quarter sawn oak. Quarter sawn is where the growth rings lie perpendicular to the boards highlights the woods "rays". this is a vanity I built using Australian has lots of "ray" figure. The Second pic is a drop front desk I restored. It dates back to the 1860's or so and has some veneer work on the desk front as well as the legs. The drawer bodies are made from solid mahogany.
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  • Daniel W Daniel W on May 09, 2012
    Okay, I have put back together,so here are a few pics.Now does anyone have any idea of how old and what it might be worth?
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  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on May 10, 2012
    looking far as value check with some local antique dealers. In most cases they can give you a value. Keep in mind that there are 2 version of value...retail...and insurance value.
  • Gary Stenzel Gary Stenzel on Jun 06, 2015
    Just an FYI: I used to work for Lexington Furniture Co in Lexington, NC. A lot of their furniture is advertised as "solid wood". Technically, it is solid wood. What they dont tell you is that the larger pieces (like a computer desk top) is glued together from cheap wood and then covered with an expensive veneer to give the look that it was made from a solid piece. I was a CNC operator/programmer there and shaped a lot of the larger pieces before they were covered with veneer. Lexington makes a lot of the popular brands, not just "Lexington Furniture" brand. I learned that most of the other big name brands do the same thing. Buyer Beware.
  • Amanda Burgess Amanda Burgess on May 26, 2020

    Tiger oak dresser turn of the century early 1900s. Beautiful piece!