Can you stain over Bondo?

Carol stewart
by Carol stewart
If you use Bondo to fix dings, scratches and such on wood, can you stain over it or do you have to use wood filler to be able to to that?

  7 answers
  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Jul 05, 2017

    Like car bondo? I know it can be painted over, but not sure about stain. There are pretty inexpensive products especially for wood that are, or can be, colored to match wood

  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Jul 05, 2017

    You should use wood putty for that project .

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 05, 2017

    I would use wood filler that states it can be stained.

  • Carol stewart Carol stewart on Jul 05, 2017


  • DW DW on Jul 05, 2017

    you aren't going to find any filler that stains matter what the claims..and definatilly not bondo

  • Eleanor Smith-Litt Eleanor Smith-Litt on Oct 25, 2020

    I have a problem in line with this topic. My contractor cut down this gorgeous antique door and in the process gouged out a large portion of the bottom and side of the door. I wanted to stain the door as it was, not paint it. How do I remove the BONDO? Can I remove a small portion then skim coat over it with what I use on wood? Thanks, Ellie

  • Amber Amber on Nov 18, 2021

    Yes. You can stain bondo. They have All purpose bondo that comes with the hardener. It can be stained, sanded, painted and it's permanent. If I remember correctly it can sanded within 15 minutes. I used an ebony stain and you cannot tell that I used bondo.