Can chalk paint be used right over varnished stain piece of furniture?
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If it has shiny finish or oil give it a light sanding then use chalk paint. Just make sure you wax it really well
I know this thread is super old - but I am new! I am about to paint this cupboard and know nothing about tannin marks - so am going to prime before painting - any advice would be wonderful
Yes you can! I use Fusion Mineral Paint which comes in many colors. It can be painted right over the top and needs no sealer.
of course ! with no problem
Yes, but don't forget to seal it with a wax or varnish.
Here are some ideas that might help
You may want to seal it first. Tannins do have a tendency to 'bleed through'.
Have you tried fusion mineral paint!!! It’s amazing
When painting over dark wood bleed thru is a very real possibility. So prime first. To be safe I would apply one coat of primer and let it dry over night to see if bleed thru still comes thru and apply another coat if needed. Better to be safe then sorry.