How do I easily remove the polyurethane from my cupboard doors?
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How to Strip Polyurethane From Wood | Home Guides | SF Gate › Home › Home Improvement › Furnishings
This task is accomplished through the use of chemical paint and varnish removers and light sanding. Assemble equipment. Apply stripper using a brush. Scrape the area with a plastic scraper or plastic putty knife. Brush stripper onto an area adjacent to the area previously stripped.
How to Remove Polyurethane: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
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Part 3. Scrubbing off Polyurethane. Use a scraper to scrub it down. Use a steel brush to get into small areas. Rub the polyurethane down with after wash. Repeat as needed. Sand the surface to remove polyurethane. Soak your discarded rags and steel wool in water to avoid fires.
Sand them down.
Lina... the sandpaper will clog EASILY... waste of materials.
If you don't want to change the color of your cabinets, I would sand off the finish lightly, then put a new coat on.
If you plan to restain them, then I would use a paint stripper like Kleen-Strip which removes stain..... most strippers don't so look on the label for "Removes Stain"