Can you paint chalk paint on top of peeling latex paint?

by Linda
Latex paint was painted over oil paint and it is peeling. Can I paint over it?
  5 answers
  • As a rule you usually can paint straight over with chalk paint. But if you don't want the lumpy peeling paint to show through you should give it a light sanding to the desired smoothness you want to paint over.
  • Ruby Ross Ruby Ross on Jun 01, 2015
    always use a primer before painting over old paint or any project that you may be painting. start with light sanding then remove all the dust that the sanding left behind. I know we all try to cut corners but if you want a professional looking job or one you'll be happy about then always include these steps. My father was a painter by trade and taught me that the first steps you take in a painting project are just as important as the paint itself.
  • Lynne Daly Lynne Daly on Jun 01, 2015
    any time you have oil based paint, you have to put primer over it. The oil will eventually peel whatever you put on it. Light sand first to get the old latex shreds off, then prime and paint, or use a combo paint and primer. oil paint also is used by bacteria. it produces what amounts to a sugar as it decays. Trust me on this. our old house was painted in oil based paint, and we learned the hard way! Good luck!
  • Sandy B Sandy B on Jun 01, 2015
    I have done this... as everyone else has said you might have to sand a bit to make it look a bit better but after that you should be able to paint it with chalk paint just fine... Good luck!
  • Kimberly Saxton Scruggs Kimberly Saxton Scruggs on Jun 01, 2015
    Do sand it down concentrating on the areas where the peeling begins, until it's smooth. Dust away all the sanding residue, then for insurance sake, I'd sure use a primer befor the chalk paint. Some paints now have primers already mixed in.