Do I need to strip kitchen cabinets before painting them?

by Yolanda
they were previously painted with a very thin layer of paint and when I try to clean them, I remove some of the paint. they look terrible and no funds to replace them at this time.

  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 04, 2018

    They will ,look better if you remove the paint.Use Citristrip a safe non-toxic paint remover

    • Yolanda Yolanda on Apr 04, 2018

      thank you so much for replying. out to purchase product this weekend!

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Apr 04, 2018

    in this case, I would recommend it; CITRISTRIP is a low odor gel that is very easy to use and does a great job; remove doors, and all hardware and follow directions for subsequent paint application -

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 04, 2018

    Possibly used chalk or emulsion type paint and did not seal them, so unless you don't mind the Shabby Chic look. then yes you have to remove old paint.

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Apr 04, 2018

    Without seeing a picture it's hard to tell, but your cabinets could be a laminate. Either way they were not properly prepared to paint. I would remove the paint and then lightly sand, wipe clean. then prime before painting. Then seal with polycrylic. Best of luck.

  • Missy Burch Missy Burch on Apr 04, 2018

    I would have to agree, lightly sand or do a full strip. I would try sanding first- stripping it is so much more mess & time, even using Citristrip.