How can I tone down a yellow bathroom?
My new apartment's bathroom is windowless with bright yellow shower/tub surround tile and counter top. I will be living here for a long time and cannot make any permanent changes and not allowed to paint. How can I make the yellow (my least favorite color) less offensive?
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can you post a picture? I would say use white or complimenting colors to decorate and tone it down. if you can fit one a full body mirror might help bounce more light around.
One of the best qualities of the color yellow is that it goes great with nearly every other color -- white, orange, green, pink, blue, navy blue brown. Pick one or two shades of yellow to use as accents, plus a dark neutral, and include doses of white for a balanced color palette.Yellow is so easy to work with. Get a new shower curtain, with beige and brown, use accessories in which ever color you choose. I love yellow and navy, but that would depend on the colors in the shower curtain. Buy that first and work from there.
Get dark towels, shower curtain and rugs in your favorite color, yellow goes with just about anything. Get some accessories to match the linens and a picture or two to draw your attention away from the yellow.
Ooh, this could be fun! My (fairly) new house has a bright yellow kitchen counter & I kept it & played with it. For your bathroom it might be fun to replace the vanity knobs with bright yellow ones. Just save the old ones & you can change them back. It would be fun to get a shower curtain with a sun, moon, & stars design. Then you can, online or at a Wal-Mart type place, get towels & washclothes in orange, and blue. A small dark blue or orange mat for the shower would finish everything nicely.
You could get or make a large-scale picture with a stylized orange sun surrounded with a dark blue background for the wall. For a bathroom, artwork should be sealed as framers do. Or a novelty poster would be inexpensive.
Karyl, what kind of decor do you like? If you like modern you could go with bright primary colors. Rustic? Gray and white may be nice. It really starts with the kind of decor you like. Can you give us an idea and we'll help.
Grey is a nice toned town color that looks good with yellow. Consider white and grey shower curtain, rugs and such.
maybe some repositionable wall paper or decals would work
Choose a theme and let that dictate your decor. Navy, white, and yellow are a popular combination as well as those already mentioned.